"What is this you have been about to day?"
The New Jersey Brigade at the Battle of Monmouth

John U. Rees
© 2003


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“Jun 29th, Buried the Dead …”
Casualties in the Battle of Monmouth

Continental Army

Return of the killed, wounded and missing of the American Army in the Battle of Monmouth on the 28:th day of June 17781

Killed, 1 lieutenant colonel, 1 major, 3 captains, 2 lieutenants, 1 sergeant, 52 rank and file.

Wounded, 2 colonels, 8 captains, 4 1st lieutenants, 2 2nd lieutenants, 1 ensign, 1 adjutant, 8 sergeants, 1 drum, 120 rank and file.

Missing, 5 sergeants, 126 rank and file, “Many of the missing dropt thro’ fatigue and have since come in -


Killed, 1 1st lieutenant, 1 bombardier, 7 matrosses

Wounded, 1 captain, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 1 gunner, 10 matrosses

Missing, 1 matross

6 Horses killed and 2 Wounded

British Army

Return of Killed, Wounded, & Missing on the Heights of Monmouth,
28th, June, 17782

British. Killed: 4 officers, 4 sergeants, 54 rank and file.

Wounded: 15 officers, 7 sergeants, 133 rank and file.

Missing: 3 sergeants, 56 rank and file.

Total: 276

Foreign. Killed: 1 rank and file.

Wounded: 11 rank and file..

Total: 12

Dragoons. Killed: 2 rank and file.

Wounded: 4 rank and file.

Missing: 5 rank and file.

Total: 11

Grand totals. Killed: 4 officers, 4 sergeants, 57 rank and file.

Wounded: 15 officers, 7 sergeants, 148 rank and file.

Missing: 3 sergeants, 61 rank and file.

Overall Total: 299

Of the above number 56 died of severe heat of the Weather.


1. “Return of the killed, wounded and missing of the American Army in the Battle of Monmouth on the 28:th day of June 1778” (enclosure), Washington to President of Congress, The Papers of the Continental Congress 1774‑1789, National Archives Microfilm Publications M247 (Washington, DC, 1958), reel 168, p. 160. The Pennsylvania Evening Post, 6 July 1778, William Stryker, ed., "Extracts from American Newspapers, vol. II. 1778," Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Second Series (Trenton, NJ: 1903), 273.

2. Stephen Kemble, Journals of Lieut.-Col. Stephen Kemble, 1773-1789; and British Army Orders: Gen. Sir William Howe, 1775-1778; Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, 1778; and Gen. Daniel Jones, 1778, Prepared by the New York Historical Society (Boston: Gregg Press, 1972), 154.

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Appendix L